Specialised Dispute Resolution

I afdelingen for Specialised Dispute Resolution har vores specialiserede procedureadvokater særligt fokus på erhvervsrelaterede tvister, som ikke mere naturligt hører under vores øvrige afdelinger.


Vi rådgiver både danske og internationale klienter i rets- og voldgiftssager om erhvervsrelaterede emner og bistår bl.a. med at lægge den rette processtrategi for sagen så tidligt som muligt. Vi har indgående erfaring med at føre sager for domstolene og andre tvistløsningsinstitutioner, ligesom vi repræsenterer klienter i nationale og internationale voldgiftssager.

Vores rådgivning og bistand omfatter også foreløbige retsskridt som for eksempel midlertidige forbud, arrest, bevissikring mv.

Vi har desuden bred erfaring med alternativ konfliktløsning, herunder mediation og retsmægling, og forsøger sammen med klienten løbende at afdække eventuelle muligheder for en forligsmæssig løsning af tvisten.

På grund af vores brede erfaring med håndtering af tvister har vi også et solidt grundlag for at rådgive vores klienter om, hvordan de bedst muligt kan forebygge konflikter.

Vi rådgiver om

  • Erhvervskontrakter
  • M&A-transaktioner
  • Ledelses- og rådgiveransvar
  • Værdipapirinvesteringer
  • Forsikringsretlige forhold
  • Immaterialret (herunder midlertidigt forbud)
  • Uberettiget anvendelse af forretningshemmeligheder
  • Arrest, forbud og tvangsfuldbyrdelse
  • Virksomhedsrelaterede strafferetlige forhold


Ajla Zorlak

Ajla Zorlak


Christian B. Prophet-Rannow

Christian B. Prophet-Rannow

Advokat (L), partner

Frederik Kromann Jespersen

Frederik Kromann Jespersen

Advokat (H), LL.M., partner

Jeppe Reipurth

Jeppe Reipurth

Advokat (L), partner

Michala Bylov Rath

Michala Bylov Rath

Advokat (H), associate partner

Trine Overby Laursen

Trine Overby Laursen

Advokat (L), partner


  • The Legal 500

    They are very specialised within construction law and especially construction law disputes. Due to the size of their construction law practice (the number of lawyers), they have big strength in depth. The level of service and alertness is extremely high combined with strong theoretical knowledge and a pragmatic approach.

  • The Legal 500

    They have the right size, big enough to handle everything, and small enough to be directly involved in our business. They give value-for-money advice and especially in terms of disputes, the unique thing is that they tell us directly whether or not to pursue a dispute.

  • The Legal 500

    Skau Reipurth is “very specialised within construction law and especially construction law disputes”, particularly litigation and arbitration proceedings arising from works and supply issues in building and engineering procedures (…) Frederik Kromann Jespersen, Peter Skau-Andersen, Jeppe Reipurth (…) are the names to note within the group, which also handles commercial contract, professional and product liability, post-M&A and securities disputes.

  • The Legal 500

    Legal 500 (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)

    Skau Reipurth’s Peter Skau-Andersen has “a high level of commercial insight” (…) and Jeppe Reipurth is experienced in international construction arbitrations.

    At Skau Reipurth, “trusted professional partner” Peter Skau-Andersen represented Total Ejendomme in a real estate dispute. Recent clients include Coop Danmark, Arbejdernes Landsbank and Pack Tech.

    Skau Reipurth acts in disputes pertaining to construction, real estate, employment and commercial issues. Jointly leading the team is (…) commercial law specialist Peter Skau-Andersen, and Jeppe Reipurth, who handles commercial and construction issues.

    They are very specialised within construction law and especially construction law disputes. Due to the size of their construction law practice (the number of lawyers), they have big strength in depth. The level of service and alertness is extremely high combined with strong theoretical knowledge and a pragmatic approach.

    The firm’s construction disputes team is one of the best in Denmark. In quality as well as in quantity.

    They have the right size, big enough to handle everything, and small enough to be directly involved in our business. They give value-for-money advice and especially in terms of disputes, the unique thing is that they tell us directly whether or not to pursue a dispute.

    Skau Reipurth’s dispute resolution team houses two specialised sub-teams; one focuses on commercial litigation and arbitration while the other focuses on construction disputes. (…) Frederik Kromann Jespersen co-head the commercial litigation team, which handles post-M&A disputes, professional and product liability claims, and securities litigation. On the construction side, clients praise the team for being “absolutely top notch”; it is jointly led by Jeppe Reipurth (…) who is “one of the most skilled construction law arbitrators in Denmark.”

    Their construction law dispute team is second to none and absolutely top notch in Denmark.

    Represented the chairman of the board of directors of a global money-lending business in criminal proceedings initiated against the company and the board of directors by the Danish Consumer Ombudsman.

    Advising a major real estate developer in an ongoing arbitration case against the turnkey contractor with a case value of around €6.4m.

    Representing G.V.L. Enterprise A/S in a major ongoing arbitration against I/S Amager Ressourcecenter regarding Amager Bakke (Copenhill).

    Skau Reipurth has a diverse practice which handles disputes in the areas of infrastructure and construction, employment, procurement, and intellectual property. Frederik Kromann Jespersen spearheads the dispute resolution practice, while (…) Jeppe Reipurth co-head the construction dispute resolution team. Jespersen has notable experience in commercial litigation and international arbitration (…) and Reipurth often represents building material suppliers before the Danish Building and Construction Arbitration Board and the Danish High Court. Peter Skau-Andersen often advises on real estate, M&A, insolvency and shareholder’s disputes.

    Jeppe Reipurth provides very constructive “strategic” sessions on how to handle a very difficult legal matters – he is a real trusted adviser.

    Very practical and straight forward case handling.

    Infrastructure, construction, employment, procurement, and IP-related disputes are the core focuses of the ‘exceptionally strong group’ at Skau Reipurth. Frederik Kromann Jespersen heads up the dispute resolution practice group, while Jeppe Reipurth leads the specialist construction disputes team.

    The team acts quickly and competent on new cases.

    Frederik Kromann Jespersen really makes a difference.

    Jeppe Reipurth quickly understands the basis for a dispute even in complicated matters and is always good at finding the right strategy for dispute resolution.

  • Chambers Europe

    Chambers Europe (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)

    Respected practice representing clients in a range of contentious cases, from commercial disputes to employment litigation. Its lawyers’ expertise also covers issues connected to real estate and construction projects, as well as disputes arising from M&A transactions and distressed situations. Clients include both domestic and international companies.

    Clients praise the team’s management of cases, with one source saying: “They are very dedicated and drive the cases forward. They give solid advice on when to try to settle the cases and when to proceed.”

    Peter Skau-Andersen is praised by clients for being “an ambitious and skilled lawyer. He gets the job done and does it well. He also follows up proactively.” Another client says he “solves problems and is quick and efficient.” He advises on litigation and commercial disputes related to M&A, real estate and contract law.

    Peter Skau-Andersen is an increasingly prominent commercial litigator. Clients remark on his well-rounded service: “He has good commercial and analytical sense as well as a good legal understanding of the matters at hand.”

    Respected team representing clients in a broad range of contentious matters, including commercial disputes as well as employment litigation. Strong expertise across a variety of sectors such as media and finance, advising domestic as well as international companies. Notably active in construction disputes. Client roster is bolstered by the addition of 360 North Management, among others.

  • Chambers Global

    Chambers Global (2017, 2018)

    Peter Skau-Andersen is praised by clients for being “an ambitious and skilled lawyer. He gets the job done and does it well. He also follows up proactively.” Another client says he “solves problems and is quick and efficient.” He advises on litigation and commercial disputes related to M&A, real estate and contract law.

    Peter Skau-Andersen is an increasingly prominent commercial litigator. Clients remark on his well-rounded service: “He has good commercial and analytical sense as well as a good legal understanding of the matters at hand.”