Arbejds- og Ansættelsesret

Skau Reipurth rådgiver inden for alle områder af arbejds- og ansættelsesretten. Vores klienter omfatter både virksomheder, privatpersoner og fagforeninger, og vi rådgiver både danske og udenlandske klienter.


Vi rådgiver bredt om alle aspekter i forbindelse med f.eks. etablering, ændringer eller ophør af ansættelsesforhold, hvad enten det drejer sig om indgåelse af ansættelseskontrakter, en direktørkontrakt eller forhandling af en fratrædelsesaftale.

Afdelingen har også stor erfaring inden for udarbejdelse af incitamentsprogrammer, uanset om det drejer sig om kontante bonusser, fastholdelsesbonusprogrammer eller aktieoptionsprogrammer.

Vi har også stor erfaring med kollektiv arbejdsret, hvor vi både bistår klienter med indgåelse og forhandling af kollektive overenskomster og lokalaftaler, ligesom vi bistår klienter ved tvister i arbejdsretten eller ved faglig voldgift.

Endelig bistår vores afdeling for Arbejds- og Ansættelsesret regelmæssigt ved virksomhedsoverdragelser, hvor vi har omfattende erfaring med at forestå juridisk due diligence inden for det ansættelsesretlige område. Herudover forestår afdelingen løbende undersøgelser af, hvorvidt en overdragelse er omfattet af virksomhedsoverdragelseslovens regler.

Vi rådgiver om

  • Opsigelser, advarsler og fratrædelsesaftaler
  • Ansættelseskontrakter
  • Direktørkontrakter
  • Virksomhedsoverdragelser og omstruktureringer
  • Konkurrence-, kunde- og ansættelsesklausuler
  • HR due diligence
  • Kollektiv arbejdsret, herunder håndtering af overenskomster
  • Konflikthåndtering og forhandlinger
  • Rets- og voldgiftssager
  • Freelance- og konsulentaftaler
  • Ind- og udstationeringsaftaler
  • Forskels- og ligebehandlingslovgivningen
  • Incitamentsaftaler
  • Arbejds- og opholdstilladelser (business immigration)
  • Information og høring af medarbejdere og samarbejdsudvalg
  • Ferie, barsel, sygdom og andre former for fravær
  • Lønmodtagers retsstilling ved konkurs
  • Personalepolitikker og personalehåndbøger
  • Udarbejdelse og implementering af HR-politikker


Jonas Enkegaard

Jonas Enkegaard

Advokat (L), partner

Laura Tengler

Laura Tengler


Louise Letman (barsel)

Louise Letman (barsel)



  • The Legal 500

    Great team – in my experience the only team in the Danish market that are also truly skilled in international employment law and at the same time are able to provide practical solutions for their clients on such technical matters.

  • Chambers Europe

    An impressed source states: “We appreciate their sincere interest in our company and in the collaboration as well as their very good understanding of our business and the challenges we face.”

  • Chambers Europe

    Clients emphasise that the firm’s lawyers “are good at listening to their clients, find pragmatic solutions and have the same goal as their clients.”

  • The Legal 500

    Legal 500 (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)

    Skau Reipurth acts for employers and employees, as well as labour unions.

    “Competent” and “pragmatic” Skau Reipurth primarily handles disputes over the interpretation of collective bargaining agreements and terminations.

    Skau Reipurth is “very quick to respond”, “always available” and “provides appropriate solutions”.

    Great team – in my experience the only team in the Danish market that are also truly skilled in international employment law and at the same time are able to provide practical solutions for their clients on such technical matters.

    Very competent, easy to deal with, accurate with speedy delivery.

    All individuals that I have had the pleasure to work with have been exceptional, delivering high-quality legal documents and creating a feeling of utmost reassurance.

    Skau Reipurth advises its client roster on restructurings, mass redundancies, and employment-related transactions. It also represents a variety of clients in litigation, with notable expertise in claims regarding the interpretation of collective agreements and terminations.

    The employment team at Skau Reipurth specialises in international employment relations, including the handling of foreign workers in Denmark and expatriations, as well as disputes regarding the interpretation of collective agreements and terminations (…)

    Very pragmatic approach with useful and clear advice.

    Advised Maersk Drilling on downsizing the number of drilling rigs and implementing mass redundancies.

    Advised the Icelandic cargo airline company, Bluebird efh, in connection with a dispute regarding Bluebird’s right to use Copenhagen airport as a hub for its self-employed pilots.

    Assisted Mtek AB in a negotiation with the Danish Union of Electricians concerning minimum wage.

    Jonas Enkegaard is a delight to work with. Prioritises needs of the client and excellent at helping in house counsel manage relationships with their internal stakeholders. Happy to go above and beyond and availability is excellent.

    Jonas Enkegaard is a true partner to the business. He understands our business, is commercially savvy and is a great sparring partner. He responds to requests quickly and is strong in his risk assessment and advice.

    Jonas Enkegaard is extremely qualified in all aspects of employment law and able to reflect on the specific challenges our company has. When it is a tricky question that also involves other areas than employment law – he is the one to turn.

    The ‘highly competent‘ team at Skau Reipurth handles a range of matters, including the delegation of employees and related contracts, and rules concerning social security. Practice head Jonas Enkegaard advises domestic and international corporates and public authorities on executive service agreements, employee employment conditions and collective agreements.

    Very useful and pragmatic advice. Not afraid to lean out and give clear advice without caveats.

    Highly competent and easy to work with.

    Skau Reipurth has extensive experience in all areas of labour and employment law, seeing an increasing number of international and cross-border transactional work. Head of team Jonas Enkegaard arrived from Jonas Enkegaard in December 2022 and is known for his comprehensive knowledge of both Norwegian, Swedish and Danish employment law.

    The team has unique experience, ranging from difficult dismissal cases to cross-border, large-scale re-organisations and always provide top-level advice with a business-oriented approach.

    Jonas Enkegaard really stands out for his long experience working with a range of sectors, which makes him an excellent adviser. His deep knowledge of the law combined with practical skills is much appreciated.

    A smaller firm but offering individualised treatment. Strong, commercial advice.

    Jonas Enkegaard is a clear communicator and always looking for sensible commercial solutions.

  • Chambers Europe

    Chambers Europe (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)

    Skau Reipurth’s employment department is a Recognised Practitioner.

    Clients highlight that the firm has “a very experienced team and good knowledge of the business.”

    Clients emphasise that the firm’s lawyers “are good at listening to their clients, find pragmatic solutions and have the same goal as their clients.”

    An impressed source states: “We appreciate their sincere interest in our company and in the collaboration as well as their very good understanding of our business and the challenges we face.”

    “They are knowledgeable, trustworthy and always deliver to-the-point services,” says a client.

    Adept at handling employment contract negotiations and well versed in assisting with disputes regarding collective agreements and wrongful terminations. Client roster includes companies in the shipping, healthcare and energy sectors.

    Assisted Total with the employment aspects of its reorganisation, including with collective redundancies and relevant disputes.

    Skau Reipurth Advokatpartnerselskab is adept at handling employment contract negotiations and well versed in assisting with disputes regarding collective agreements and wrongful terminations. The team’s client roster includes companies in the shipping, healthcare and energy sectors.

    Skau Reipurth Advokatpartnerselskab assisted United International Pictures with the termination of employees.

    Skau Reipurth’s employment department gained Jonas Enkegaard from Horten in December 2022. The lawyers are well versed in transaction-related employment topics, as well as negotiating collective agreements with unions. The practitioners also assist with dismissals.

    Jonas Enkegaard has experience handling M&A-related employment matters as well as collective agreement issues. He joined Skau Reipurth from Horten in December 2022.

    Jonas is extremely responsive and always happy to support and jump in on a call to discuss a matter.

    He is a solid and very dependable key adviser.

    Jonas is a specialist in his field.

    Skau Reipurth’s employment department is well versed in transaction-related employment topics, as well as negotiating collective agreements with unions. The practitioners also assist with dismissals, terminations and redundancies. The law firm is additionally well versed in employment law mandates involving white-collar crime elements.

    The team is very experienced and very responsive.

    It is a strong team that always provides timely responses and very good service levels. The lawyers are fast and to the point.

    The law firm offers pure quality and pragmatic solutions, and the team is always available.

    Jonas Enkegaard has experience handling M&A-related employment matters as well as collective agreements and mass redundancy. He also acts on contentious mandates, including arbitration proceedings, and has additional knowledge in labour law topics connected to white-collar crime issues.

    Jonas Enkegaard is a very good lawyer who delivers exactly what is needed.

    He is ever-present and always available.

    He has vast experience handling complex and sophisticated matters.

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