Insolvens og Rekonstruktion

Med vores mangeårige erfaring og specialisering kan Skau Reipurth altid tilbyde klienter den bedste kommercielle rådgivning og løsning på insolvensretlige problemstillinger.


Vi bistår særligt finansielle kreditorer med deres nødlidende erhvervsengagementer med henblik på at skabe den bedste og hurtigste løsning for kreditorerne og virksomheden.

Derudover yder vi rådgivning til virksomheder og private personer med økonomiske problemer og virksomheder i tilfælde, hvor kunder, leverandører eller samarbejdspartnere får økonomiske problemer.

Vi bistår både som kurator, rekonstruktør og sædvanlig rådgiver inden for alle de insolvensretlige discipliner.

Vi rådgiver om

  • Indgivelse af konkursbegæring og begæring om rekonstruktion, herunder påtager vi os hvervet som såvel kurator som rekonstruktør
  • Indtrædelse som kreditorvalgt kurator og rekonstruktør
  • Deltagelse i kreditorudvalg på vegne af kreditorer
  • Behandling af såvel små som store konkursboer og rekonstruktioner med både nationale og internationale problemstillinger
  • Varetagelse af kreditorinteresser generelt
  • Anmeldelse af krav, herunder bistand ved fordringsprøvelse af krav
  • Sikring og udlevering af særlige rettigheder/aktiver
  • Omstødelsessager rejst af konkursboer
  • Retssager mod konkursboer
  • Rådgivning af nødlidende ejendomsselskaber, herunder kommanditselskaber
  • Etablering af gældsordninger, herunder bistand ved forhandlinger med kreditorer samt i forbindelse med ansøgning om gældssanering
  • Rådgivning om rekonstruktion, herunder til ejerkreds og ledelse ved betalingsvanskeligheder og i forbindelse med begæring om rekonstruktion
  • Etablering og gennemførelse af akkordordninger samt bistand ved tilvejebringelse af individuelle gældsordninger
  • Bistand ved gældssaneringer og påtagelse af hverv som skifterettens medhjælper ved samme
  • Bistand til tvangsopløsninger og likvidationer, herunder som likvidator


  • The Legal 500

    Always timely and to the point. If you really need a problem solved, they’re there for you.

  • IFLR 1000

    “They are very flexible and offer good value for money,” says one client. “Within bankruptcy Skau are very strong. They are highly dexterous and have an excellent way of handing cases in a commercially orientated and methodical fashion.”

  • Chambers Europe

    The legal team have the ability of getting the job done even against all odds. Even in complex matters they keep focus on the end goal and achieve positive result.

  • The Legal 500

    Legal 500 (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)

    The team works “competently and efficiently”.

    The team was appointed trustee of Haulier Otto Larsen in bankruptcy and also advised Danske Bank and Nykredit.

    Skau Reipurth Advokatpartnerselskab’s insolvency team excels at handling restructurings, and also frequently represents creditors in insolvency proceedings (…)

    (…) Skau Reipurth has a particular expertise in the real estate and construction sectors. Clients include Arbejdernes Landsbank, Nykredit and Danske Bank.

    Skau Reipurth’s team is “strong in mid-sized cases” and “always very committed” (…) the team represents creditors in insolvency proceedings and handles distressed M&A and restructurings. Key clients include Danske Bank and Realkredit Danmark.

    Skau Reipurth fields “a very strong team”, which has “a commercial and practical approach” and is “good at solving difficult cases without unnecessary conflict”. Recent highlights (…) include assisting Danske Bank as trustee with the bankruptcy of Gravity4, and advising Arbejdernes Landsbank on its mandatory sale of properties owned by housing cooperatives.

    Hard-working and experienced team with focus on qualified and cost-effective solutions.

    Very skilled and with a good commercial understanding.

    Skau Reipurth frequently represents creditors, particularly financial institutions, in insolvency proceedings, distressed M&A, and pre-insolvency restructurings. The team, which assumes the role of a permanent trustee for many clients (…)

    The group handles pre-insolvency restructurings for businesses and owners as well as distressed M&A.

    Always timely and to the point. If you really need a problem solved, they’re there for you.

    Very dedicated and service-minded – fair price level.

    It is a relatively small but very experienced insolvency practice. The firm must be noted for its commercial skills. They are very good at finding sustainable commercial solutions in restructuring cases.

    They are a strong team.

    The team of ‘highly experienced professionals‘ at Skau Reipurth assists clients with pre-insolvency restructuring negotiations and distressed M&A transactions. The firm often acts as a court appointed restructurer and trustee in insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings.

    The insolvency team at Skau Reipurth give advice at a very high professional level. The team consists of highly experienced professionals.

  • Chambers Europe

    Chambers Europe (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)

    Primarily focused on bankruptcy proceedings, handling filing, trustee appointments and related litigation. Experienced in negotiation of debt arrangements and in advising on distressed real estate assets.

    Quotes mainly from clients: ”Offers strong advice and serves as a valued business partner on both legal and commercial issues.”

    Advises banks and creditors on a range of insolvency matters, particularly in the real estate and construction markets. Also handles non-contentious restructuring processes, such as distressed M&A deals.

    One interviewee praises the team’s responsiveness: “There’s good chemistry between us and they give good service.”

    Sources praise the firm’s expertise and skill set: “They are very knowledgeable and sharp people.”

    Clients value the team’s broad range of knowledge. One reports that the firm “can handle all kinds of cases, they have lawyers to cover nearly every part of the law books.”

    Clients also highlight the quality of service, describing the team as “eager and attentive to our needs.”

    Rises in the rankings owing to strong praise from peers and clients alike for the handling of important bankruptcy mandates. Advises creditors on out-of-court debt restructurings. Acts as bankruptcy trustee of Danish companies and private individuals, often advising on the sale of assets in order to rescue distressed businesses. Assists with disputes relating to allegations of fraud by former managers. Attracts further attention for work on matters that have important employment law considerations.

    Clients value the “pragmatic and ad hoc advice that they give,” explaining: “They have the commercial aspects, they understand that we need to do business and find solutions.”

    Best known for its work as bankruptcy trustees, receiving regular appointments by several larger Danish banks. Acts on insolvencies across a range of sectors including construction, real estate and retail. Also represents creditors in insolvency proceedings and assists with distressed M&A as well as pre-insolvency restructurings.

    Best known for its work as bankruptcy trustees, receiving regular appointments by several larger Danish banks. Acts on insolvencies across a range of sectors including construction, food and beverages, and retail. Also represents creditors in debt recovery proceedings.

    Acted as the appointed trustee on Strander’s bankruptcy, handling ongoing construction work and arbitration proceedings against a public property developer.

    The legal team have the ability of getting the job done even against all odds. Even in complex matters they keep focus on the end goal and achieve positive result.

    Skau Reipurth is best known for its work as bankruptcy trustees, receiving regular appointments by several larger Danish banks. The law firm acts on insolvencies across a range of sectors including construction, food and beverages, and retail. The practice also represents creditors in debt recovery proceedings.

    Another source praises the law firm’s “ability to execute cases in narrow timeframes.”

  • IFLR 1000

    IFLR1000 (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)

    Skau Reipurth are known primarily for their restructuring and insolvency law team.

    Clients feedback: “Highly specialised and accurate in advising professional financial creditors.”

    “They are very flexible and offer good value for money,” says one client. “Within bankruptcy Skau are very strong. They are highly dexterous and have an excellent way of handing cases in a commercially orientated and methodical fashion.”

    The team at Skau Reipurth is mostly recognised for its restructuring and insolvency work. The firm regularly represents creditors in this area while serving as the trustee in bankruptcy cases.

    Recent work examples have included assisting Danske Bank with the compulsory sale of several properties owned by housing cooperatives and serving as the trustee for the bankrupt EuroAds group.