
Skau Reipurth yder specialistrådgivning inden for alle områder af selskabsretten, herunder i forhold til komplekse og grænseoverskridende sager.


Vores eksperter har et dedikeret fokus på at yde kommerciel og løsningsorienteret rådgivning efter højeste standard og altid på et omkostningseffektivt grundlag.

Vi rådgiver danske og internationale klienter om investeringsrunder, køb og salg af virksomheder, koncernomstruktureringer, aktieinstrumenter, herunder købsoptioner, warrants og konvertible gældsbreve, samt compliance. Herudover rådgiver vi bredt om, og har stor erfaring med, kontraktmæssige forhold som f.eks. joint ventures, ejeraftaler og incitamentsordninger.

Vi yder rådgivning om alle selskabsformer, herunder aktieselskaber, anpartsselskaber, fonde, foreninger og selvejende institutioner, og vores klientbase spænder bredt og omfatter alt fra startups til store og børsnoterede virksomheder.

Vi har desuden betydelig erfaring med forebyggelse og løsning af ejertvister samt varetagelse af dirigenthverv.

Vi rådgiver om

  • Valg af selskabsform
  • Selskabsetablering
  • Ejeraftaler
  • Investeringer
  • Omstruktureringer, herunder fusion og spaltning
  • Incitamentsordninger og aktieinstrumenter
  • Joint ventures
  • Varetagelse af dirigenthverv
  • Konfliktløsning mellem kapitalejere
  • Ledelsens erstatningsansvar
  • Selskabers ophør


Casper Lindholm Dam

Casper Lindholm Dam

Advokat (L), LL.M., associate partner

Claus Ryberg Hoffmann

Claus Ryberg Hoffmann

Advokat (L), partner

Jeppe Reipurth

Jeppe Reipurth

Advokat (L), partner

Josephine Winge

Josephine Winge


Morten Vibe

Morten Vibe

Advokat, partner

Nicolai Uhrskov Nielsen

Nicolai Uhrskov Nielsen


Peter Skau-Andersen

Peter Skau-Andersen

Advokat (H), partner


  • The Legal 500

    Skau Reipurth fields “a very professional practice” which advises clients such as Deloitte. Department leader Peter Skau-Andersen handles corporate, restructuring and M&A work (…). Recent highlights include Skau-Andersen advising Loumann Holding on the sale of its 40% stake in Pack Tech Holding to SE Blue Equity and acquisition of a 10% stake from another shareholder, and Claus Ryberg Hoffmann handling Evendo International’s contracts with its private investors.

  • The Legal 500

    Skau Reipurth’s “swift and efficient” team is experienced in assisting domestic and foreign businesses with cross-border transactions, including company and contract law. Led by the “extremely skilled” Peter Skau-Andersen, the practice also includes Claus Ryberg Hoffmann (…)

  • Chambers Europe

    Peter Skau-Andersen heads the department at Skau Reipurth Advokatpartnerselskab. He handles mergers and the acquisition of shares. Interviewees describe him as “very pragmatic.”

  • The Legal 500

    Legal 500 (2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)

    The ‘partner-driven’ team at Skau Reipurth acts for buyers and sellers on domestic and cross-border M&A and has notable experience in incorporations and general corporate and commercial issues. M&A specialist Peter Skau-Andersen heads up the practice, which also includes commercial contracts specialist Claus Ryberg Hoffmann and (…). Partner driven approach, reliable and available, clear communication and transparent fee structure.’

    Clear and open communication on M&A cases with a straightforward approach. A detailed description of issues and M&A steps to customers.

    Peter Skau-Andersen has been a dedicated partner on several M&A cases completed where we have been involved. The ability to take responsibility and make customers take the right decisions has been crucial in moving the engagement forward.

    Skau Reipurth has been a long-term relationship to our business. During the past 10 years, we have seen a very broad number of legal issues, from drafting/reviewing contracts, negotiations, disputes, mergers, divestments and acquisitions – both national and international. All of these issues have been handled by Skau Reipurth to our utmost satisfaction. The firm’s biggest strength is that it is big enough to handle all issues (full-service) and yet small enough to maintain a direct relationship to us as a client.

    Peter Skau-Andersen has for a decade been a very trusted advisor. His competent team of lawyers and partners are always ready to assist. Peter will always tell us how it is. If the issue is weak, he will try to solve it as good as possible from a commercial perspective too. He is brilliant in negotiations because he can solve the problems and maintain a positive environment.

    Very pragmatic and direct straight to the point approach.

    Peter Skau-Andersen is dedicated and always on top, delivers fast, and has a commercial touch most of the competitors lack.

    Skau Reipurth‘s team acts as a ‘one-stop shop with its high level of experience’ acting for domestic and international buyers and sellers. Practice head Peter Skau-Andersen is ‘uniquely skilled‘ and advises on domestic and cross-border M&A matters. The ‘highly skilled’ Claus Ryberg Hoffmann advises commercial and charitable foundations on founding issues, mergers and dissolutions.

    The professional capabilities, services and handling are a class performance. Totally unique. The collaboration and the advice given were excellent and everyone in the team was very professional and proactive.

    Peter Skau Andersen is uniquely skilled for corporate and specifically transactional matters. His team are a no-nonsense group that get things done. Truly spectacular dealmakers.

    The team is very efficient and this results in high quality. They have strong commercial understanding combined with legal insight, brilliant communication and negotiation skills.

    Peter Skau Andersen has an unique ability to get a transaction across the finish line. He can speak to everyone and get everyone to see advantages in completing a deal – even in tough circumstances.

    Peter Skau Andersen and Claus Ryberg Hoffmann are in sync with everything we do and know our business as was it their own. They are highly skilled and they are realistic about projects.

    The team is very approachable and seems to have good knowledge transfer between them. One-stop shop with their high level of experience and ability to take into account commercial needs and deliver tailor made solutions that enables the M&A process to move forward.

    High quality company which succeeds with communicating difficult matters. Skau Reipurth communicates directly and with flair.

    The team consists of high quality staff. Added resources had the sufficient knowledge and flair to create the right solutions. High competence, constructive, and efficient.

    Skau Reipurth’s corporate, commercial and M&A offering is praised as a ‘solid team with strong legal competences and really good business understanding’. ‘Remarkable deal maker’ Peter Skau-Andersen leads the team has notable experience in handling all elements of M&A processes and strategies, including legal due diligence, and drafting and negotiating transaction documents. Elsewhere within the department, Claus Ryberg Hoffmann advises on company and commercial law.

    Strong team across the board, with high quality partners overseeing the matters.

    Peter Skau is very commercial, engaged and with strong legal capabilities.

    The team easily and quickly understands our needs as a client and adjusts their scope of work accordingly.

    Morten Vibe is especially reliable. Always available. Gives a feeling of full attention to all details – large or small – but with a good gut feeling of highlighting important matters and just handling the simple stuff.

    I experience a truly integrated team where requests and issues are solved by the most relevant partner – Skau Reipurth masters the discipline of internal coordination and collaboration with true benefit for their clients.

    Mette Vestergaard Huss stand out as a committed and energetic partner. She contributes outside the field of law with a zest for the commercial exceeding the standard in the market.

    I primarily see Peter Skau-Andersen. He is by far the star of the firm and a truly remarkable dealmaker. Peter is very pleasant and always able to see the bigger picture. He is an excellent negotiator with a great skillset to solve the issues that inevitably pop up during transactions.

    What we appreciate is always having access to senior, very experienced, legal advisers. With this, we are comfortable that the right direction is set and that we end up with the best solution.

  • Chambers Europe

    Chambers Europe (2018, 2019)

    Skau Reipurth is a Recognised Practitioner.

    Head of department, Peter Skau-Andersen, enters the corporate/M&A rankings for the first time this year after several strong endorsements from clients.

    Peter Skau-Andersen heads the department at Skau Reipurth Advokatpartnerselskab. He handles mergers and the acquisition of shares. Interviewees describe him as “very pragmatic.”

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