
Advokat (L), partner

Christian B. Prophet-Rannow

Tlf +45 23 32 39 91
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Christian B. Prophet-Rannow rådgiver om erhvervsretlige forhold generelt, herunder særligt i relation til entrepriseret, udbudsret, rådgiverret, kontraktret og løsning af kommercielle konflikter, herunder ved de civile domstole og i voldgift.

Christian B. Prophet-Rannow har mere end 15 års erfaring med rådgivning og konfliktløsning vedrørende entrepriseret og udbudsret, og han bistår ved forhandling og udarbejdelse af kontrakter. Han rådgiver endvidere mange forskellige aktører i forbindelse med udbud af kontrakter og har ført flere sager ved Klagenævnet for Udbud.

Christian B. Prophet-Rannow har betydelig undervisningserfaring og er tilknyttet Københavns Universitet som ekstern lektor i faget Entrepriseret. Han har også tidligere i perioden 2011-2016 undervist i fagene Obligationsret og Tingsret på Københavns Universitet, ligesom han har omfattende undervisningserfaring fra kurser for virksomheder i bygge- og anlægssektoren.

Christian B. Prophet-Rannow rådgiver endvidere virksomheder om de forpligtelser, som følger af arbejdsmiljølovgivningen. Det drejer sig særligt om rådgivning til virksomheder indenfor bygge- og anlægssektoren samt til industrivirksomheder. Christian repræsenterer i den forbindelse ofte virksomheder som forsvarer i retssager.

Christian B. Prophet-Rannow taler engelsk og de skandinaviske sprog.


2017 –Skau Reipurth Advokatpartnerselskab
2010 – 2016Dansk Byggeri
2006 – 2010Philip & Partnere/Philip Advokatfirma
2002 – 2006TDC A/S


2023Møderet for landsret
2005Cand.jur., Københavns Universitet

  • Det Danske Selskab for Byggeret
  • Dansk Forening for Udbudsret


  • The Legal 500

    Legal 500

    Skau Reipurth “delivers responses quickly” and is “extremely knowledgeable” in procurement matters. Litigator Christian B. Prophet-Rannow leads the practice; he recently defended Labflex against complaints regarding The Danish Building and Property Agency’s tender for the delivery of fume cupboards.

  • The Legal 500

    Legal 500

    Litigator Christian B. Prophet-Rannow leads the practice; he recently defended Labflex against complaints regarding The Danish Building and Property Agency’s tender for the delivery of fume cupboards.

  • The Legal 500

    Legal 500

    Skau Reipurth’s expertise spans real estate and construction, insolvency, employment and commercial disputes. Christian B. Prophet-Rannow joined from the Danish Construction Association.

  • The Legal 500

    Legal 500 (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2024)

    Christian B. Prophet-Rannow is recommended as regards Real Estate and Construction.

    The team was strengthened by (…) Christian Prophet-Rannow joining from the Danish Construction Association.

    Skau Reipurth’s expertise spans real estate and construction, insolvency, employment and commercial disputes. Christian B. Prophet-Rannow joined from the Danish Construction Association.

    Litigator Christian B. Prophet-Rannow leads the practice; he recently defended Labflex against complaints regarding The Danish Building and Property Agency’s tender for the delivery of fume cupboards.

    Skau Reipurth “delivers responses quickly” and is “extremely knowledgeable” in procurement matters. Litigator Christian B. Prophet-Rannow leads the practice; he recently defended Labflex against complaints regarding The Danish Building and Property Agency’s tender for the delivery of fume cupboards.

    Our contact partner and the team we use is led by Christian B. Prophet-Rannow who has been very ably assisted on various matters by Nikolaj Byriel-Øvall who is an excellent lawyer, able to manage matters for Christian with our total confidence. What stands out to other Danish law firms is the efficient delegation by Christian B. Prophet-Rannow of matters to the appropriate person within his team – in our case the time/allocation of tasks seamlessly between himself and Nikolaj. From a general counsel’s perspective they have a keen awareness of when they can manage the matter directly with the business and when general counsel input is required.

    The ‘experts in construction law’ housed by Skau Reipurth are frequently engaged on matters spanning the entire spectrum of construction law, possessing demonstrable credentials when it comes to complex construction contracts and major project development work (…) Christian B. Prophet-Rannow also leads the group.

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