
Advokat (L), partner

Claus Ryberg Hoffmann

Tlf +45 50 60 31 03
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Claus Ryberg Hoffmann rådgiver generelt om selskabsretlige og erhvervsretlige forhold og bistår herunder danske og internationale virksomheder med bl.a. udarbejdelse og koncipering af kommercielle kontrakter og aftaler, investeringer og gennemførelse af transaktioner, tvistløsning og retssager samt rådgivning vedrørende compliance og legal risk management Han har herunder særlig ekspertise inden for antikorruption, eksportkontrol, handelsrestriktioner og økonomisk kriminalitet.

Claus Ryberg Hoffmann har endvidere omfattende erfaring med rådgivning til foreninger og erhvervsdrivende og velgørende fonde og bistår bl.a. i sager vedrørende fortolkning og ændring af vedtægter, gennemførelse af transaktioner og ekstraordinære dispositioner, stiftelse, sammenlægning og opløsning mm. Claus Ryberg Hoffmann har desuden erfaring som bestyrelsesmedlem og administrator i flere danske fonde, og har ligeledes omfattende erfaring som underviser i bestyrelsesarbejde.

Claus Ryberg Hoffmann har tidligere været ansat i anklagemyndigheden og i Justitsministeriets departement. Han har endvidere undervist på Københavns Universitet i faget “strafferet og straffeproces” og har stor erfaring med rådgivning til virksomheder herom, herunder håndtering af sigtelser og tiltaler over for virksomheder og førelse af retssager herom.

Claus Ryberg Hoffmann taler engelsk og de skandinaviske sprog.


2015 –Skau Reipurth Advokatpartnerselskab
2008 – 2015Plesner Advokatfirma
2006 – 2008Justitsministeriet


2014Møderet for landsret
2001Cand.jur., Københavns Universitet

  • Dansk Forening for Selskabsret
  • Bidrag til “Erhvervsstrafferet”, s. 359-400, 2015 (medforfatter)
  • Bidrag til “Anti-Corruption Regulation – in 43 jurisdictions worldwide”, s. 63-67, 2015 (medforfatter)
  • “PLC – Corporate crime, fraud and investigations guide in Denmark”
  • Bidrag til Børsens Bestyrelseshåndbøger, afsnit 10.4, om Risk Management og Compliance, Børsen, 2013 (medforfatter)
  • “Ekstraordinære dispositioner i fonde – lov om erhvervsdrivende fonde § 21, stk. 3.”, Revision og Regnskabsvæsen nr. 12, 2011


  • The Legal 500

    Legal 500

    Recent highlights include (…) Claus Ryberg Hoffmann handling Evendo International’s contracts with its private investors.


  • The Legal 500

    Legal 500

    The “partner-driven” team at Skau Reipurth acts for buyers and sellers on domestic and cross-border M&A and has notable experience in incorporations and general corporate and commercial issues. (…) which also includes commercial contracts specialist Claus Ryberg Hoffmann (…).

  • The Legal 500

    Legal 500

    Skau Reipurth’s “swift and efficient” team is experienced in assisting domestic and foreign businesses with cross-border transactions, including company and contract law.

  • The Legal 500

    Legal 500 (2016, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)

    Claus Ryberg Hoffmann is recommended as regards Commercial, Corporate and M&A.

    Skau Reipurth Advokatpartnerselskab’s team is headed by (…), who is experienced in handling all aspects of M&A, including conducting due diligence, drafting contracts and negotiating. Claus Ryberg Hoffmann joined from Plesner.

    Skau Reipurth’s “swift and efficient” team is experienced in assisting domestic and foreign businesses with cross-border transactions, including company and contract law.

    Recent highlights include (…) Claus Ryberg Hoffmann handling Evendo International’s contracts with its private investors.

    The “partner-driven” team at Skau Reipurth acts for buyers and sellers on domestic and cross-border M&A and has notable experience in incorporations and general corporate and commercial issues. (…) which also includes commercial contracts specialist Claus Ryberg Hoffmann (…).

    Skau Reipurth acts for both buyers and sellers on a national and international scale. (…) Claus Ryberg Hoffmann (…) are other key practitioners, handling commercial and contract law as well as compliance and legal risk management issues.

    (…) and Claus Ryberg Hoffmann are in sync with everything we do and know our business as was it their own. They are highly skilled and they are realistic about projects.

    The ‘highly skilled’ Claus Ryberg Hoffmann advises commercial and charitable foundations on founding issues, mergers and dissolutions.

    Skau Reipurth’s corporate, commercial and M&A offering is praised as a ‘solid team with strong legal competences and really good business understanding’ (…) Elsewhere within the department, Claus Ryberg Hoffmann advises on company and commercial law.