
Advokat (L), partner

Mette Vestergaard Huss

Tlf +45 30 10 39 22
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Mette Vestergaard Huss er primært specialiseret i persondata, immaterialret og tech.

Emnerne er mange, men når det kommer til rettigheder, har Mette Vestergaard Huss særlig stor erfaring inden for SaaS, PaaS og IT-drifts- og udviklingsaftaler samt specialviden om salgs- og produktionsforhold indenfor pharma, kosmetik- og plastindustrien. Mette har som supplement til den daglige rådgivning af klienter i mere end 10 år undervist på CBS i blandt andet markedsret og immaterialret.

Indenfor GDPR rådgiver Mette bredt om generel compliance. Mette fungerer således som DPO og fast rådgiver hos flere klienter, ligesom hun bestyrer en lang række whistleblowerhotlines.

Som et særligt speciale har Mette stor indsigt i de udfordringer, som foreninger står overfor, og hun bistår derfor en lang række foreninger som trusted advisor fx i forbindelse med en ansat ledelse, vedtægter, GDPR, bestyrelseshverv mv.

Mette har en pragmatisk, kommerciel og løsningsorienteret tilgang til alle sager. Denne tilgang kombinerer hun med skarp struktur, og hun driver projekter igennem ude ved klienterne ud fra en tilgang om, at god styring sikrer den bedste løsning i alle sammenhænge.

Udover det daglige hverv som advokat er Mette også udpeget dommer i Rigsretten.

Mette taler engelsk og de skandinaviske sprog.


2018 –Skau Reipurth Advokatpartnerselskab
2014 – 2018SIRIUS advokater
2011 – 2014Hannes Snellman Advokatpartnerselskab
2007 – 2011Accura Advokatpartnerselskab


2019Møderet for landsret
2007Cand.jur., Københavns Universitet

  • Dommer i Rigsretten, udpeget i perioden 2020 – 2026
  • Medlem af Landsskatteretten, udpeget i perioden 2016 – 2022
  • Ekstern Lektor på Copenhagen Business School


  • The Legal 500

    Legal 500 (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)

    Skau Reipurth is particularly active in individual data protection and HR-specific data privacy issues, as well as large GDPR compliance projects. The team also represents employers and employees in data-related employment litigation. (…) leads the group alongside Mette Vestergaard Huss, who has a strong track record in assisting non-corporate associations, NGOs, worker’s unions and other volunteer and political organisations with data privacy matters.

    The data privacy and personal data department at Skau Reipurth has a unique client base that primarily consists of associations, worker’s unions and other non-corporate entities. The team is adept at handling risk analyses and compliance set-ups and has particular expertise in HR-specific data privacy issues. Mette Vestergaard Huss (…) jointly lead the team.

    Led by Mette Vestergaard Huss, Skau Reipurth‘s team handles risk analyses and compliance issues for associations and corporates, in addition to acting as external DPOs and GDPR compliance officers for domestic companies. Huss is particularly adept at advising NGOs, political organisations and worker’s unions (…)

    Mette Vestergaard Huss stand out as a committed and energetic partner. She contributes outside the field of law with a zest for the commercial exceeding the standard in the market.

    Skau Reipurth is well versed in handling full risk analyses and compliance set-ups, alongside acting as external official DPO and GDPR compliance officer for large corporations in Denmark. Mette Vestergaard Huss is known for advising NGOs, worker’s unions and other volunteer and political organisations.

    I worked with Mette Vestergaard Huss. I believe she stands out with her preparation and the way she listened. She was very good at explaining the issues in a “down to earth” way – not using to many lawyer expressions that makes things hard to understand.

    We have been using Mette Vestergaard Huss for several years now, and are always extremely happy with her and her insights and understanding of our company combined with her in-depth knowledge of technology and data protection. I also want to add that Mette always is a pleasure to work with.

    Our collaboration has been of great value for our company, especially because of Mette Huss’ great knowledge and her solution-oriented approach to solving the challenges we present to her.